travel europe italy lazio rome around rome

There are many interesting areas to visit in Rome beyond the famous tourist sites...
On our first trip to the city in 1978, also our first trip to Europe, I was fascinated by the different life-styles and customs of the "south."
It seemed more unstructured than the northern European areas we visited which were more like parts of the US.
As I learned more about the city on subsequent visits, it took on a whole different feel.
Like everywhere else, a lot has changed in the last ten to fifteen years when it comes to tourism and tourists.
TRAVEL: 1978, 1984, 1994, 1999, 2013, 2017 -

This location has earned an over-all four star (very good) rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited
unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

The birthday cake Monument Emanuele II, one of the obvious tourist attractions, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.

Lynn and the boys in front of Castel Sant'AngeloRome, Italy, 1994.
This was long before it played an important part in Dan Brown's Angels and Deamons.

Street scene, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.

One of the shaded cooler sidewalks, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.

My sister-in-law, Joyce, and my mother-in-law, Ginny, overlooking the Tiber River, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1984.

Societa Romana de Nuoto on the Tiber River, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.
This swimming society was established in 1889 and is known for this houseboat meetinghouse on the Tiber.

Neptune (Posieden) statue, Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.

St. Maria in Cosmedin, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1999.

Temple of Hercules Victor as seen from St. Maria in Cosmedin, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1999.

Bocca della Verita, "Mouth of Truth, St. Maria in Cosmedin, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1999.
Legend has this "Mouth of Truth" will bite off the hand of a liar.

My first exposure to curbside gas stations, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.
This was the first time I had ever seen a gas pump on the curb of a city street.

Street sign, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.
In 1978, this was the first time I had seen a street sign with a sponsor.

Wyatt checks out a small Fiat, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1994.

Odd, three-wheeled car, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1994.

If you like cats, you will like Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1978.
In later years we didn't see so many cats... perhaps they had been removed like the gypsy beggars at the colosseum.

Simple church interior, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1999.
copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised may 2020