architecture residential projects
Residential projects include design work on over 50 homes, most along the west coast of the US, with a majority of them on the central Oregon coast...
The small coastal village of Yachats, alone, is home to fifteen custom residencial projects. Below are images that link to several of these residential projects.

turnstone cove ll residence     hanley-o'keefe residence "circles by the sea"     nelson-gustofson l residence "dune rider"     sunhollow house     smith residence "camp david"     riess residence     rafalski-molko residence     orlando residence I "pelican's perch"     crawford residence     burger residence     kociemba residence     turnstone cove I residence    

     oregon coast residence     driftwood lane residence     person-yarnell residence     wehren residence     schram residence     wulff residence     seashadows studio     orlando residence II     clark residence     rugerri residence     stinett residence    

turnstone cove II     anderson residence     beshears residence     garrell residence     beardsley-morris I residence     orlando II residence - concept a     beardsley-morris ll residence     borg residence     salem residence     nelson-gustofson ll residence     welch residence     carmody-klemp residence    


renderings & illustrations

d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc


d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

hands-on construction

d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

project list

d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

published works

d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

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d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

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d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

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d holmes chamberlin jr
architect llc

copyright  d holmes chamberlin jr  - architect
page last revised june 2019